I've wanted to start a blog for some time but was stuck at the very beginning. What to write!? It's easy to get caught up in trying to be original or funny, touching or informative. Should I document fashion trends? Post various photos? Satirize U.S. politics? My search continued until recently...the first Tuesday. A close someone and I found ourselves with a completely free day. We'd planned coffee with computers, a trip to the mall, a meal here and there, a Monty Python movie, and some hot toddies. We're fun as hell! Anyway...from this day, Tuesdays with Jonny arose.


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Sunday, January 2, 2011

12/28- The third (belated) Tuesday

Sorry for the belated post!  I'm going to share the blame with travel, the holidays, and general merriment.  Choosing a picture to sum up my this Tuesday was a difficult task.  As you can see, I chose Grand Central Station.  For the many years that I've either been visiting or living in NYC, GCS has always been iconic.  It's the biggest, most ostentatious welcome wagon I've ever seen.  I arrived in CT last Thursday to spend Christmas at home, then hopped on good old Metro North to visit friends in the city.  This gorgeous place was waiting with open arms!

Text #1:  "Not the best part of my Tuesday"

This one'll tug at the heart strings a bit.  I received it while en route to the city...on this very train.  That's right!  As I sped away, I left an admirer behind.  My mom.  I've been living 1,100 miles away for some time now and we had a wonderful holiday together in CT.  Saying goodbye is never especially easy or pleasant.  It's nice to think of it as the sooner I leave, the sooner I can come back!

Text #2:  "Doing what I do best.  This is my Tuesday"

Jess is a professional commuter.  She started small, as many of us do, on a pink huffy and has since upgraded to a lovely beast known as Hammerhead...who incidentally just hit 210,000 miles!!  I'm thinking that next she could drive a cab and then maybe become a trucker.  It's all about taking your talents to the next level!

Text #3: "My Tuesday ROCKS"

Awww...my Tuesday rocked too!  Nothing says great Tuesday, or any day for that matter, than friends and beer!  That's Kelly and me enjoying a couple pints at one of my favorite spots.  Please don't ask about my hair...I'm not sure either!

Text #4: (no subject)

This post was left to my choosing and interpretation.  Clearly it's the gas station.   Did J.G. fill her tank?  Was it a pit stop?  Did she go all supermarket sweep on the place?  Perhaps we'll never know but here's how I think it went down.  It was 10:10 PM on a Tuesday night.  While driving around, searching for adventure, she realized her tank was getting low. This glowing oasis beckoned her from the top of the hill.  As she waited at the stop light she considered octane and which treats would best compliment the evening.  Upon pulling in the station, J.G. noticed that hot dogs were 2 for $1.  This was the answer she was looking for.  She pulled out two, crisp 20's and bought every last dog in the joint (roughly 37 when you account for FL state sales tax).  While pumping gas (her original mission) she called all of her friends and told them to meet her in the parking lot for an impromptu gas station tailgate. Pretty awesome Tuesday!

Final Thoughts

Whether you were saying hello or saying goodbye, stuck in traffic or prepping for a trip, your day always has something to offer.  My Tuesday spanned two states and was full of loved ones.  Yours could have been grocery shopping or reading a good book.  Regardless of the activity or lack thereof these little moments in time are the ones to hold on to.  If you wait too long, the present quickly becomes past.

See you Next Tuesday,



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